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An introduction to Adrian

I have spent nearly 30 years working in the heritage and cultural sector, advising on the visitor experience in museums, historic properties, heritage attractions and visitor centres.


Over the years I have worked with national organisations like English Heritage, and the National Trust, regional and local authorities, county museum services and cultural trusts, as well as many individual establishments.


Internationally too, most recently in the UAE with the Department of Museums and Antiquities.


It’s all about the visitor experience


For me it’s all about the visitor experience and at the heart of that lie the facts and stories associated nationally, regionally or at specific sites and what really matters is how that information is communicated and delivered most effectively to the visitors.


Creating a coherent and marketable heritage and cultural offer is not rocket science, but it does benefit from some careful planning and research, based upon a sound knowledge of what visitors look for and enjoy, setting exciting expectation levels and delivering on those expectations.

Adrian Bowles - Heritage & Cultural Tourism Advisor
Team meeting whilst in transit
Heritage & Culture Consultant
Reviewing the historic landscape surrounding Dhayah Fort, UAE